How to change affiliate sign-up page URL?

By default, your affiliate sign-up page's URL is like this:

If you want to change the URL, here is the instruction:

Change affiliate sign-up page's URL

Step 1

Go to RecomSale admin → click the three-dot button → click Manage app

Step 2

Find the App proxy section → click Customize URL button

Step 3

Edit the URL by your needs and Save your changes

Step 4

Go to Customize URL popupUpdate the link and make sure it's the same as the link you changed in step 3 → Save your changes.

Update affiliate sign-up page's URL

if you have added to your store navigation menu, Please click Add to store menu to go to your Online Store Navigation, update the affiliate sign-up page's URL in the corresponding menu.

If you have used this URL elsewhere, please also remember to update to the changed URL.

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Last updated