Affiliate Order status


When a customer places and pays an order via an affiliate link or affiliate's discount code, RecomSale will generate a pending affiliate order. Please note that affiliate orders will not be recorded if the order is unpaid. If you want to record, please mark the order as paid in the shopify admin, and then it will be recorded.


After the affiliate's affiliate order is approved by the merchant, the status of the affiliate order changes to Approved. Merchants can approve manually or set up automatic approval after a period of time. After approval, if you feel that the affiliate order does not meet the requirements, you can also revoke the approval and the status of the affiliate order will change to Pending. In addition, you also can invalidate the affiliate order.


In the "Payments" menu, merchants can click "Generate Commission Bills" and the system will change the status of approved affiliate orders to Unpaid. After the status of the affiliate order is changed to Unpaid, if you think the affiliate order does not meet the requirements, you can invalidate it, and the commission amount will also be invalid, and the bill will not include this part of the commission.

When a commission bill is marked as paid, the system changes the status of the affiliate orders included in the bill to Paid.


If a affiliate order that is pending, approved, or unpaid is fully refunded in Shopify, RecomSale will change the status of the affiliate order to invalid, and the commission amount will also be invalid, and the bill will not include this part of the commission. If only a partial refund occurs, RecomSale will update the amount on the original affiliate order without changing the status of the affiliate order.

Last updated